So, this has been bugging me for some time. You've heard the term helicopter mom right? I'm not one of them. I never have been and helicopter moms really drive me crazy. I think it's important as a mom to be there for your kids, help them, guide them, and definitely be a major part of their life. But, to helicopter them through every single thing they do is just way too much. How will kids learn to manage things if we're constantly planning things for them and scheduling them? Maybe I'm just getting old. But I never did this with Kate. Kate's group from middle school through high school ebbed and flowed. It never got smaller, just bigger and those kids pretty much managed themselves. Parents were there, they were involved in their kids lives but parents weren't at every single function taking pictures. Yes, we were at the big ones, homecoming, prom, other big events but we were not at every party taking pictures and uploading to facebook or instagram. Did that group of kids find trouble, I'm sure they did from time to time but they're kids. Kids are gonna find trouble at some point. It's about making mistakes, learning, doing better, learning how to manage and making decisons. Some will be good, some will not be good. I know as parents we want to be there for when our kids fall and they're gonna fall, all of them will at some point but we cannot. We simply cannot be there for everything. You can't go back and do youth again and living vicariously through your children cannot be a good thing... My thoughts on helicoptering, my opinion...That's all.