Here's the deal, I'm not overly religious. Born and raised Roman Catholic, I love going to mass because it is so very comfortable to me. It is quiet and it is tradition and it is home. That's not what this post is about. This post is about more than religion. It's about listening to the whisper. Have you ever heard the whisper of God? For me it isn't a literal whisper, like my friend telling me a secret, it's more of a thought or words I see and hear in my mind. I know that sounds so ridiculous but that's how it works for me. If I have a worry or concern, I try to pray about it. More than likely, the prayer happens while I'm driving, doing laundry or dishes. It isn't an all out kneel down prayer session. Most often the whisper comes soon in my mind. It isn't always clear but sometimes it is. Most often it is God telling me to be still and trust. Lately, I've heard Him say, there is a plan. Trust in the plan. Ahh but what is the plan? Right? That's the big question. Faith tells me that whatever the plan is, it will be okay. It will be more than okay because the plan is Godly. I hope everyone can hear the whisper. Be still and listen.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Debate, Voices, Yoga & Running
Loving all the craziness surrounding the presidential debate last night. Our president was not prepared and Romney was ready! Love that! Love that he knows his stuff w/o the teleprompter. I'm so scared for what is going to happen with the Obamacare. I know a lady who works for a huge insurance company and she has the legislation sitting on her desk. Her job is to implement it w/in the company. She said we would not believe all the crap in it and our taxes are going to go through the roof. Not sure what to do but pray.
I've been home all day. It has been so great to be here, straighten the house work on ornament orders and just rest. Its always fun having family here but it can be tiring. I went to the Y last night and did the Y strong class. Honestly, it was good but not super challenging. Tatum really has the best workouts but I cannot make it to her classes anymore. I am sore though so thats good. I saw a girl who goes to Bikram. You know how you think a person will sound just by the way they look? Well, I said hi and introduced myself and I was shocked at how deep her voice was. It was crazy! I was totally taken off guard by it. Tonight is dynamic yoga at the Y and I'm hoping to do some of the cardio machines. I'm happiest when I'm in a good workout groove.
Tomorrow is our annual big fancy tailgate that we have renamed big sassy tailgate. I think the weather is going to be great. I'm ready for it to be a little cooler at the games. It was too warm last weekend. Joe's running in the Jesse Owens meet on Saturday. It should be a great day to be in Cullman!
I've been home all day. It has been so great to be here, straighten the house work on ornament orders and just rest. Its always fun having family here but it can be tiring. I went to the Y last night and did the Y strong class. Honestly, it was good but not super challenging. Tatum really has the best workouts but I cannot make it to her classes anymore. I am sore though so thats good. I saw a girl who goes to Bikram. You know how you think a person will sound just by the way they look? Well, I said hi and introduced myself and I was shocked at how deep her voice was. It was crazy! I was totally taken off guard by it. Tonight is dynamic yoga at the Y and I'm hoping to do some of the cardio machines. I'm happiest when I'm in a good workout groove.
Tomorrow is our annual big fancy tailgate that we have renamed big sassy tailgate. I think the weather is going to be great. I'm ready for it to be a little cooler at the games. It was too warm last weekend. Joe's running in the Jesse Owens meet on Saturday. It should be a great day to be in Cullman!
God's light!
Wherever you go, ask for God's Light to surround you, protect you and fill you. Place it ahead of you wherever you are going so that you will always be well received.
Every time you meet someone, ask this Light to be placed between you, not as a barrier, but for clarity. Ask for the highest good to be present. When people speak to you, ask yourself, "Is this true for me?" You can't ask if it's true for everyone because there is no real truth for everyone -- except God.
- John-Roger
Every time you meet someone, ask this Light to be placed between you, not as a barrier, but for clarity. Ask for the highest good to be present. When people speak to you, ask yourself, "Is this true for me?" You can't ask if it's true for everyone because there is no real truth for everyone -- except God.
- John-Roger
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Peeking and Poking around on blogs.
I peek at other blogs here and there. I really don't have a lot of time to blog shop and sit and read blogs but there are several I like keeping up with. Maybe I'll write on my blog about the blogs I read. Some are about food, some about travel, decorating and some are about whatever is going on in the authors life. Always interesting to read them and I always learn new things. I often times get great recipes and ideas and a good chuckle out of them! No one really cares. I mean, really? thats what I struggle with when it comes to blogs. Does anyone really care. I don't think so. If you're really going to journal, you don't put it out there for the world to see. At least I don't. Honestly, I'm not going to put my worries and concerns about family and finances on line. Thats private and personal and between me God and my family. The world of blogging is a crazy one.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Likable? Yes!
A lot is being said in the media about Mitt Romney not being "likable" or that he doesn't "relate well" to people. Frankly, we struggled to understand why. So after much research, we have come up with a Top Ten List to explain this "unlikablility."
Top Ten Reasons To Dislike Mitt Romney:
1. Drop-dead, collar-ad handsome with gracious, statesmanlike aura. Looks like every central casting's #1 choice for Commander-in-Chief.
2. Been married to ONE woman his entire life, and has been faithful to her, including through her bouts with breast cancer and MS.
3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet. (How boring is that?)
4. Can't speak in a fake, southern, "black preacher voice" when necessary.
5. Highly intelligent. Graduated cum laude from both Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School ...and by the way, his academic records are NOT sealed.
6. Doesn't smoke or drink alcohol, and has never done drugs, not even in the counter-culture age when he went to college. Too square for today's America ?
7. Represents an America of "yesterday", where people believed in God, went to Church, didn't screw around, worked hard, and became a SUCCESS!
8. Has a family of five great sons....and none of them have police records or are in drug rehab. But of course, they were raised by a stay-at-home mom, and that "choice" deserves America 's scorn.
9. Oh yes.....He, like others, is a MORMON. We need to be very afraid of that very strange religion that teaches its members to be clean-living, patriotic, fiscally conservative, charitable, self-reliant, and honest.
10. And one more point.....pundits say because of his wealth, he can't relate to ordinary Americans. I guess that's because he made that money opposed to marrying it or inheriting it from Dad. Apparently, he didn't understand that actually working at a job and earning your own money made you unrelatable to Americans.
My goodness, it's a strange world, isn't it?
Personal Information:
His full Name is: Willard Mitt Romney
He was Born: March 12, 1947 and is 65 years old.
His Father: George W. Romney, former Governor of the State of Michigan
He was raised in Bloomfield Hills , Michigan
He is Married to Ann Romney since 1969; they five children.
B.A. from Brigham Young University ,
J.D. and M.B.A. from Harvard University
Mormon - The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints
Working Background:
After high school, he spent 30 months in France as a Mormon missionary.
After going to both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School simultaneously, he passed the Michigan bar exam, but never worked as an attorney.
In 1984, he co-founded Bain Capital a private equity investment firm, one of the largest such firms in the United States.
In 1994, he ran for Senator of Massachusetts and lost to Ted Kennedy.
He was President and CEO of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games.
In 2002, he was elected Governor of the State of Massachusetts where he eliminated a 1.5 billion deficit.
Some Interesting Facts about Romney:
Bain Capital, starting with one small office supply store in Massachusetts , turned it into Staples; now over 2,000 stores employing 90,000 people.
Bain Capital also worked to perform the same kinds of business miracles again and again, with companies like Domino's, Sealy, Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, Home Depot Supply and many others.
He was an unpaid volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign 1 year.
He was an unpaid intern in his dad's governor's office for eight years.
He was an unpaid Bishop and Stake President of his church for ten years.
He was an unpaid President of the Salt Lake Olympic Committee for three years.
He took no salary and was the unpaid Governor of Massachusetts for four years.
He gave his entire inheritance from his father to charity.
Mitt Romney is one of the wealthiest self-made men in our country but has given more back to its citizens in terms of money, service and time than most men.
And in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income.... Just for comparison purposes, Obama gave 1% and Joe Biden gave $300 or .0013%.
Mitt Romney is Trustworthy:
He will show us his birth certificate
He will show us his high school and college transcripts. (Do you mean he won't spend $878 MILLION blocking access)?
He will show us his social security card. (And his doesn't belong to a deceased gent from NH? And he doesn't have 6 SSN's)?
He will show us his law degree.
He will show us his draft notice.
He will show us his medical records.
He will show us his income tax records (He's having fun with the liar, Harry Reid and the other Democrat Socialists at present).
He will show us he has nothing to hide.
Mitt Romney's background, experience and trustworthiness show him to be a great leader and an excellent citizen for President of the United States .
You may think that Romney may not be the best representative the Republicans could have selected.
At least I know what religion he is, and that he won't desecrate the flag, bow down to foreign powers, or practice fiscal irresponsibility.
I know he has the ability to turn this financial debacle that the current regime has gotten us into.
We won't like all the things necessary to recover from this debt, but someone with Romney's background can do it.
But, on the minus side, he never was a "Community Organizer", never took drugs or smoked pot, never got drunk, did not associate with communists (Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones.....and the list goes on forever) or terrorists, nor did he attend a church whose pastor called for God to damn the United States .
And I'll wager any amount, you wish to lose, Romney will send 32 worthless Czars packing.
Top Ten Reasons To Dislike Mitt Romney:
1. Drop-dead, collar-ad handsome with gracious, statesmanlike aura. Looks like every central casting's #1 choice for Commander-in-Chief.
2. Been married to ONE woman his entire life, and has been faithful to her, including through her bouts with breast cancer and MS.
3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet. (How boring is that?)
4. Can't speak in a fake, southern, "black preacher voice" when necessary.
5. Highly intelligent. Graduated cum laude from both Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School ...and by the way, his academic records are NOT sealed.
6. Doesn't smoke or drink alcohol, and has never done drugs, not even in the counter-culture age when he went to college. Too square for today's America ?
7. Represents an America of "yesterday", where people believed in God, went to Church, didn't screw around, worked hard, and became a SUCCESS!
8. Has a family of five great sons....and none of them have police records or are in drug rehab. But of course, they were raised by a stay-at-home mom, and that "choice" deserves America 's scorn.
9. Oh yes.....He, like others, is a MORMON. We need to be very afraid of that very strange religion that teaches its members to be clean-living, patriotic, fiscally conservative, charitable, self-reliant, and honest.
10. And one more point.....pundits say because of his wealth, he can't relate to ordinary Americans. I guess that's because he made that money opposed to marrying it or inheriting it from Dad. Apparently, he didn't understand that actually working at a job and earning your own money made you unrelatable to Americans.
My goodness, it's a strange world, isn't it?
Personal Information:
His full Name is: Willard Mitt Romney
He was Born: March 12, 1947 and is 65 years old.
His Father: George W. Romney, former Governor of the State of Michigan
He was raised in Bloomfield Hills , Michigan
He is Married to Ann Romney since 1969; they five children.
B.A. from Brigham Young University ,
J.D. and M.B.A. from Harvard University
Mormon - The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints
Working Background:
After high school, he spent 30 months in France as a Mormon missionary.
After going to both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School simultaneously, he passed the Michigan bar exam, but never worked as an attorney.
In 1984, he co-founded Bain Capital a private equity investment firm, one of the largest such firms in the United States.
In 1994, he ran for Senator of Massachusetts and lost to Ted Kennedy.
He was President and CEO of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games.
In 2002, he was elected Governor of the State of Massachusetts where he eliminated a 1.5 billion deficit.
Some Interesting Facts about Romney:
Bain Capital, starting with one small office supply store in Massachusetts , turned it into Staples; now over 2,000 stores employing 90,000 people.
Bain Capital also worked to perform the same kinds of business miracles again and again, with companies like Domino's, Sealy, Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, Home Depot Supply and many others.
He was an unpaid volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign 1 year.
He was an unpaid intern in his dad's governor's office for eight years.
He was an unpaid Bishop and Stake President of his church for ten years.
He was an unpaid President of the Salt Lake Olympic Committee for three years.
He took no salary and was the unpaid Governor of Massachusetts for four years.
He gave his entire inheritance from his father to charity.
Mitt Romney is one of the wealthiest self-made men in our country but has given more back to its citizens in terms of money, service and time than most men.
And in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income.... Just for comparison purposes, Obama gave 1% and Joe Biden gave $300 or .0013%.
Mitt Romney is Trustworthy:
He will show us his birth certificate
He will show us his high school and college transcripts. (Do you mean he won't spend $878 MILLION blocking access)?
He will show us his social security card. (And his doesn't belong to a deceased gent from NH? And he doesn't have 6 SSN's)?
He will show us his law degree.
He will show us his draft notice.
He will show us his medical records.
He will show us his income tax records (He's having fun with the liar, Harry Reid and the other Democrat Socialists at present).
He will show us he has nothing to hide.
Mitt Romney's background, experience and trustworthiness show him to be a great leader and an excellent citizen for President of the United States .
You may think that Romney may not be the best representative the Republicans could have selected.
At least I know what religion he is, and that he won't desecrate the flag, bow down to foreign powers, or practice fiscal irresponsibility.
I know he has the ability to turn this financial debacle that the current regime has gotten us into.
We won't like all the things necessary to recover from this debt, but someone with Romney's background can do it.
But, on the minus side, he never was a "Community Organizer", never took drugs or smoked pot, never got drunk, did not associate with communists (Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones.....and the list goes on forever) or terrorists, nor did he attend a church whose pastor called for God to damn the United States .
And I'll wager any amount, you wish to lose, Romney will send 32 worthless Czars packing.
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