Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Montevallo!!!! Here comes KK!

The University of Montevallo!

In October of 1896, the Alabama Girls’ Industrial School opened its doors to some 150 young women from all parts of the state. They had come to participate in a great experiment, in an innovation in education for Alabama. They had come to be trained as teachers, bookkeepers, artists, musicians, dressmakers, telegraphers and milliners. In other words, at last, there was a school in Alabama whose purpose was to educate women to be self-supporting; at last, here was an opportunity to escape from the drudgery of field work, mill work or from the ignominy of depending on a father or brother for lifelong support if there was no husband. At last, here was an opportunity for young women to expand their minds and dreams in a state, poverty-stricken by economic circumstances, that could provide little public education for its citizens.

The school had its beginnings with the dream of Julia Tutwiler, a proponent of education for women, and the vision of Senator Solomon Bloch, who introduced the bill in the Alabama Legislature establishing the school. On October 12, 1896, their efforts — and the efforts of scores of townspeople and other advocates — bore fruit with the opening of the school on that crisp fall day.

The first president was Captain Henry Clay Reynolds, one of the principal proponents who campaigned for the selection of Montevallo as the site of the new school. Eight teachers comprised the first faculty.

Construction of a dormitory was obviously a primary concern. The west wing of Main Dormitory was begun almost as soon as the school opened, according to Mary Frances Tipton’s history, Years Rich and Fruitful: University of Montevallo 1896-1996. The dormitory was ready for occupancy by the fall of 1897.

During the early years, enrollment steadily increased. By 1899, more than 400 young women were enrolled. Several years later, purple and gold were adopted as the school colors, and the first yearbook was published. In 1908, student Condie Cunningham died in a dormitory fire, giving rise to one of Montevallo’s most-famous ghosts.

In 1911 AGIS became Alabama Girls’ Technical Institute. The phrase “and College for Women” was added in 1919. The Class of 1919 observed that “now that our school is becoming a college, we have begun to take up college stunts,” and College Night began on March 3. High school courses were gradually phased out and, in 1923, the school became Alabama College, State College for Women, a degree-granting institution.

Alabama College introduced the instruction of home economics to the state and for many years was the only institution offering such training. The college pioneered the fields of vocational home economics, retail home economics and institutional management, and Alabama College graduates helped initiate home economics programs at Auburn University and the University of Alabama.

Teacher training at the college developed because of student demand rather than the specific intention of the AC administration. Thomas Waverly Palmer, who assumed the college presidency in 1907, was lukewarm at best about teacher training. He was surprised that demand for industrial courses such as telegraphy was decreasing while the number of students interested in teacher training was rising.

However, Palmer had decided by 1910 that his school was the best place to provide teacher training, and the program has blossomed ever since. Alabama College pioneered teacher education in art, music, physical education and commercial subjects, as well as in home economics. When the town of Montevallo built a public school in what is now Jeter Hall, education students used it as a training school. This town-and-gown cooperation continues to flourish today.

The social work department was created by a similar need and with the close cooperation of Shelby County. At the time Alabama College’s social work department was founded in 1925, only the University of North Carolina offered such a program. Alabama College was also the first in the state to offer a speech correction curriculum, and it opened the first speech clinic. The result today is the George C. Wallace Speech and Hearing Center on campus.

Student expression has been encouraged on this campus since its inception. The first yearbook, The Chiaroscuro, was published in 1907, and the first student production of a full-length play, Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, was performed a year later. The yearbook became the Technala in 1911 and took its present name, the Montage, in 1940.

The first student newspaper, the Van Guard, was published in 1922, and the first edition of The Alabamian appeared on September 15, 1925. That same year, the speech department, offering courses in rhetoric, oral interpretation and theatre, became the first of its kind in the state. The Drama Festival, started by Dr. Walter H. Trumbauer, was established in 1928, and Alabama College’s first radio broadcast on WAPI occurred on May 1, 1929. The campus radio station, WRSD, began broadcasting on May 15, 1950.

For 60 years, student expression had a decidedly feminine perspective at Montevallo, but in January 1956 that began to change. Backed by Alabama College’s board of trustees, administration, faculty, alumnae association and eventually the student body, the state legislature passed a bill on January 15, dropping the designation “State College for Women” and enabling the college to admit male students.

Two men enrolled at Alabama College in January 1956. By September there were 35 men on campus, and a new era had begun. Seven years later total enrollment had tripled, and more than 40 percent of the students were men. The first men were housed in the west wing of Main Hall until Napier Hall was completed in April 1957.

The curriculum changed to embrace additions to the traditional courses of study, such as pre-professional programs in medicine and law and business administration. The first male physical education faculty member was hired in 1956, and intercollegiate baseball and men’s tennis teams were organized a year later. Cross-country track and basketball followed. In 1964, Alabama College offered basketball scholarships, the first athletic grants in the history of the college.

Just two years after the first men were admitted, a male was elected president of the Student Government Association, but male leadership in College Night activities took a little longer. The first male assistant Gold leader was elected in 1960. In 1963, co-leaders of each sex were elected, a tradition that continues today.

Another milestone in the history of the institution occurred on September 1, 1969, when Alabama College became the University of Montevallo. The University includes four distinct colleges: Arts and Sciences, Education, Business and Fine Arts.

In 1978, following a formal study, a mission statement was adopted by the university. Unparalleled among public universities in Alabama, Montevallo’s current mission statement was legislated by the Alabama Legislature in 1979. That mission was reaffirmed in 1984 and again in 1988. In addition, a reaffirmation of the mission was included as part of the Second Century Commission’s report. Montevallo’s mission is “to provide students from throughout the state an affordable, geographically accessible, ‘small-college’ public higher educational experience of high quality, with a strong emphasis on undergraduate liberal studies and with professional programs supported by a broad base of arts and sciences, designed for their intellectual and personal growth in the pursuit of meaningful employment and responsible, informed citizenship.”

Since Montevallo grew to University status from a state college of liberal arts, it retains a strong emphasis on liberal education, embodied in its core curriculum. Montevallo remains dedicated primarily to the teaching of undergraduates, while offering a few select graduate programs.

In 1995, Montevallo was invited to join the prestigious Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges, a consortium of 26 institutions that share a commitment to undergraduate liberal arts education, high achievement by students, high retention and graduation rates and high levels of placement in graduate and professional schools.

Today, undergraduate programs are offered in more than 70 academic areas, but the full-time student-to-faculty ratio is only 17-to-1. Members of the faculty come from prestigious institutions from across the United States and beyond, with more than 95 percent holding either the Ph.D. or other terminal degree in their respective academic disciplines.

The University of Montevallo continues to ascend the rankings of “America’s Best Colleges,” published by U.S. News & World Report. According to rankings for the 2012 edition, UM is once again ranked as the No. 1 public master’s-level university in Alabama, a distinction it has held each year since 2008. For 2012, Montevallo is listed as the 11th best public university in the South in its division, climbing three positions from last year’s rank of 14th. Overall in the South, UM ranked 36th, up four positions from 40th last year and 23 positions from its 2007 ranking of 59th.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The magic ingredient for the lemon water is Lavender! I must buy some lavender and I will grow it, I will, I will, I will! It is so hard to grow here in Alabama!

Summer Water

When we were in Hawaii at the Four Seasons Maui, there were several water canisters set up throughout the resort with this fabulous water. I could see that there were lemon and mint in the water so I thought I could for sure make it at home. Then, I was looking at Pinterest and came across a recipe similar. Turns out this water is so great for the skin and for every cell in the body. It's great for aiding in diegesting and helping the body get rid of toxins. I bought several herbs yesterday because I'm in a Pinterest mood and I made my own water. The Pinterest recipe called for cucumbers so I added those. The taste is subtle and refreshing. It doesn't taste exactly like the one at the four seasons. I am going to have to dig for that recipe but it's close and I love the benefits it provides! Adding mint to the diet helps with digestion, relieving headaches, bacteria and fungus. chewing on mint leaves can help whiten teeth and clear up bad breath. Lemon is a natural diuretic and helps with bloat. This will be a staple in my fridge through out the summer and fall!

Lemon, Mint and cucs!

Joyful Momma's Kitchen: Layered Enchilada Casserole (Freezer Meal)

Joyful Momma's Kitchen: Layered Enchilada Casserole (Freezer Meal):   I make my freezer meals 2 ways. One way is to just make them all in a 2 day process. Compile my list, shop, and do meat prep. Then the ne...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Summer's always busy

Well, we are well under way and in the throw's of summer here at the Leventrys. Jack spent the week in Auburn at his first golf camp. He loved it and actually golfed several great games. We are very proud of his drive and determination. Now, if we can channel that drive and determination to math, that would be great but considering the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, that is a lofty goal for us. I worked this week, all three days and I still love seeing everyone that comes into the office. I was telling a friend that I feel like I"m entertaining when I'm there. We have this fabulous gourmet coffee machine and I love offering the parents coffee. I have to remind myself that its an office and when mom, a friend of mine is sitting back in the clinic with "JOhnny" I can't just run in there and say ,"Oh did you hear such and such?" haha. Kate took this week to update her resume for rush and she found one of her senior pics to put with it. We have a friend who really loves Kate and she wanted to take her resume to the Chi Omega meeting last week. Kate is very excited and I know what ever soroity she ends up in, she'll be happy. Kate is truly enjoying this summer, just hanging out with people that were never in her core group at school. Kids have grown up and it is so great that they can see each other in a new light. Not the cliquey, high school way anymore. This is the time when you learn who is loyal and who will be there. I'm very excited for Joe to start back with football work outs. I'm sure he isn't so excited as it is super early but I love that it keeps him on a schedule and he is doing something worthwhile. Ohh, Almost forgot to note that Rick and I went to the Highlands Bar and Grill this past week. It was very yummy and I had never been there before. I had heard so much about it and how fabulous it is and blah blah blah but I have to say that even though everything I ate was wonderful, I was still hungry when we left. I had the Mississippi red fish and it was really good but I would have liked a good salad with it or a potato or something.  LIke, I would have even paid for the salad but there wasn't one on the menu. So, it was fun and fab but we'll stick with our usual hangouts in our bubble. You know, The Boot, Beefs, Bob's.  I did sort of fee like there should have been some jazz music or some Frank Sinatra playing. There is a fabulous old energy in the Highlands building.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Chef Mommy: Pork Tenderloin with Pan Sauce

Chef Mommy: Pork Tenderloin with Pan Sauce: This recipe is not new to the blog. I posted it about 2 years ago but it definitely warrants a re-post and an updated picture.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Finally had a chance to make it to yoga in the evening yesterday. I am loving my summer schedule of getting off work at 4. I picked up the Ral at the groomers and came home and even took a quick nap before heading over the the Bikram studio. I almost didn't go but I made myself. I hated the leggings I wore and I hated the cami I wore. They didn't work together and hit in the wrong places and thus making it awful to look at myself in the mirror. With that being said, I managed to have a great class. I always feel sad for people when it's their first Bikram class. They're so excited to try this new to them yoga. But, what they don't know is that it is so so so hard! I wonder if anyone felt like that when I had my first class. Even though it is crazy hard and each class even though it's the same, it is never truly the same. A friend asked me if she'll ever like it. I told her probably not but loving the benefits of Bikram always gets us back to class. 90 min. of hot hot yoga isn't for everyone but it is for me and everyone should at least try it even if I will be feeling sad for you and your first class.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I have one working in Iowa City
One planning to float her booty down the Cahaba
One working hard at golf camp at Auburn
One at a sleepover with a friend

It's summer!

Matthew 24:32

From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near.

Monday, June 4, 2012

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up."
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Happy Monday!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

new babies

I have several cousins who are in their early to mid 20's and they are embarking on this journey called motherhood. Now that I'm older and I can clearly turn around and see them from far away, it is wonderful to see how excited they are to be mommies. I remember how excited I was to be a mommy. I still love being a mommy. The thought of all night feedings and fussy babies is exhausting to me now. There is a reason we are young when we're having babies. Not that 42 is old but but 24 is definitely a better age to be dealing with a fussy baby. I loved each moment of my kids baby years and their toddler years.  My prayer for my younger cousins is to pray for joy. Ask for patience too but mostly pray for joy. Being a mama is the toughest job you'll ever have. I'm reminded of the email that once floated around about the friend who tells the other friend she is and her husband are ready to have a baby. The friend listening says she is so happy for her but deep down she is thinking, are you ready to have your heart ripped out?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Moving on from chicken...

So, it's been about six weeks since I last posted! It was April 21st and it's time we move on from the chicken recipe. I don't even remember making the chicken. I've been going 90 to nothing the past six weeks. Well, really since spring break which was in March. New job is going great, Hawaii was wonderful. I didn't take my computer, I didn't check facebook or the news or twitter or blogs. It was fabulous to just hang out and enjoy Maui. We celebrated Kate's graduation last week. Mom, Dad, Abbie, Lauren and Rick's parents all came in for it. We took up a whole row for the very organized and efficient ceremony at UAB. Our little party on Friday was a success and it was fun sharing Kate's accomplishment with friends and family. Having Lauren here was truly the icing on the cake! I know Kate was so sad to see everyone go as I was too. So, with all of that happening, Jack finished freshman year with good grades and Joe finished 6th grade with good grades. Spring football training is over. I'm not sure how many kids ended up dropping out but I have a feeling that all the running they did was meant to weed the kids out. This class has had a record number of boys go out for football. Summer practices start in two weeks. Kate has been purchasing items for her dorm. She and Anna are going shopping soon to buy things for their bathroom. She recieved lots of fun gifts for her room. I know she is excited to put it all together. Orientation is coming up soon, I'm sure she'll rock it and be the best incoming freshman there haha totally kidding! really. I'm kidding! It's just orientation for petes sake. I'm excited to see what classes she'll be taking and her major is right up my ally!  Jack leaves Tues for a three day golf camp at Auburn. This kind of popped up fast, but I think it's going to be a great experience for him. He has really improved his golf game and I know he'll take it seriously. I'm also excited for him to visit Auburn and to be on the campus. Rick and I are Alabama fans through and through but I know Auburn is a wonderful school and its fun for the kids to experience a visit like this one. I was happy to be back at bootcamp yesterday. I loved seeing all my bootcamp friends! Tatum's workouts are so hard but so good. I made it to Bikram this morning and it was so great. I think it was hotter than usual in the room. I've been more diligent about getting my protein shake in after my work out and having a healthy veggie tray in the fridge has been so great for all of us. Easy Peasy veggies!  I'm hoping to settle into summer and enjoy lots of sunny days sitting by the pool!

One major question everyone has asked me is...

Did you cry? Umm, nope. I didn't cry. I was a little teary when the child with ALS was on stage getting his diploma. But I was excited for Kate and so happy Rick and I successfully raised a child to be 18.