Monday, February 27, 2012

Manic Monday

All things manic for manic Monday!

Not sure where my money went this weekend but I'm basically broke til Friday. I usually manage my cash a lot better but not so much this weekend.

Graduation announcements are on my mind.

Compiling a bunch of pictures for the slide show is driving me crazy!

Joe's 12 today! How did that happen?

I'm bored and ready for something awesome to happen!

Back to bootcamp this week. I'm gonna be sore!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Favorites, totally stolen from Copacetic in Carolina

Because, I have lost all of my own creativity these days which I think happens to artsy people from time to time, I'm stealing the Friday favorite idea from a pinterest, twitter friend! The thought of thinking of something on my own right now is daunting. I don't want to go in my office, I don't want to paint one thing, I just want to buy things and have people make things for me. I'm sure my love for all things artsy will stir in me again at some point but for now, I'm thankful for others who have come up with fabulous ideas! So, here are some of my favorite things this week. We've had a bit of spring fever in central Alabama and we are going to the beach in 3 weeks so I've added some fun springy/summery pics. Maybe these will stir some creative juices in you. I hope so! Then you can make something for me. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just Living Leventry...

Quick post before I start my busy day. I've been so sick with an awful cold virus that is taking its full 10 days to do its thing. Joe is home sick today and Kate wanted to be but with the incentive of not taking finals she took some advil and headed to school. Even with being sick, I managed to have a nice weekend. Friday, Rick and I met friends for pizza in Vestavia. We were home in bed by 9. Pizza and conversation was good though. Saturday was beauty walk for the senior girls. Kate didn't particiapte, said it wasn't her thing and could really care less. She was thrilled with the girl who won, said she is a sweet girl. Kate did pop over to her bff's house to help her get ready and to see her off. There were a lot of girls who didn't do bw. There were a lot of girls who I was surprised to see on stage...Good for them. I saw several repeat prom dresses. I saw some dresses I loved, I saw some I thought were awful. I was surprised at a couple of girls who didn't make top 30 and I was surprised at a couple of girls who made top 10. The judges were obviously seeing things I wasn't. So, blah blah blah, moving on from that, we went to Athens, GA to see the Leventrys. Rick's mom looks good. She is a trooper, hanging in there with her new chemo. We were excited to see Andy and Bruce. The kids had never met them and they are such characters. Kate got a kick out of Aunt Andy. She is a hoot. Neither one of them has changed one bit. We were home yesterday by lunch. We picked up Owen on the way home and he was psyched to see us. I cleaned the house and made it to the yoga studio where I am pleased to say I went further in several poses than I had ever gone before. My last day for the introductory rate is today. Ahh. very sad as now I have to pay full price. I love it so much and can see a change in my muscles already that I will find the cash to do it. A new bootcamp session started yesterday. I'm telling you, I'm becoming high maintenance! Today is spin, and bible study tonight. I haven't done my homework from the past two weeks. Tomorrow is my over due hair color! ugh! thank goodness! Spring break is in 4 weeks. Can't wait!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How Cool is that? Juvederm and Pottery!

Let's see. Its been awhile since I last posted. I have some exciting things to write about which is crazy because I never have anything exciting to write about! Last Thursday I tagged along with a friend to a dermatology open house. The dermatologist is adorable and she has her practice set up in the right spot of Birmingham for sure! She is located by Homewood and Mt. Brook. Two spots with lots of cash to spend on facial treatments. Denise and I drove from Hoover, not really a hot spot for moms over flowing with extra cash for some juvederm. I mean, we do fine here in Hoover but facial treatments are a luxury. I've never actually had one but I was curious so I thought what the heck, I'll go. The Dr. talked about filler for low spots, laser treatment for scars, hair removal, cool sculpt which scared me. The idea is great. It is noninvasive and it gets rid of fat pockets in a certain area. I'd probably be a good candidate for it as I'm not over weight but I do have a trouble spot on my thighs. The only down side to that procedure is if a person gains weight, they're gonna gain it somewhere else. they'll never gain it in the treated spot again but it'll go somewhere else. Umm, no thanks. I'm used to my trouble area, I do not need a new one to deal with. Of course, she talked about botox and chemical peels and such. If I could pick one treatment to get it would be the juvederm. I can see places on my face that need filling. It just gives back that youthful look. It was fun, we didn't win any door prizes, there were a ton of women there. Lots of women older than me and Denise. They had wine and food. Denise wanted the latisse and it was buy one get one if you attended the open house. So she got her lash stuff and we left with a handful of pamphlets. Between Bikram yoga, Bootcamp, the Aveda salon I love to have my gray covered and wanting juvaderm once a year, I'm becoming quite a high maintenance non celebrity mom! Anyway, maybe for my birthday, Rick will purchase me some filler until then, its just me and my regular old face.

Now on to something super exciting. I've been posting about my bible study. I'm enjoying Beth Moore's,James. What is really cool about the bible study is the ministry that we are working with. It is called The-Well House. It is a safe haven for women who've escaped human trafficking. Honestly, I had never thought about human trafficking especially here in central Alabama but it is real. We are helping with the household supplies for a year at the well house. I was trying to think about what I could do personally that would benefit these girls. They arrive to the house with nothing. Everything is donated, clothing, kitchen supplies, everything. I got to thinking, painting is so therapeutic and fun and if the girls painted a dinner place setting, that is something that is their very own and they can take it with them when they leave the house. So, I emailed the director of bible study and she emailed the well house directors and everyone is excited to paint some pottery! I never imagined  6 years ago when I bought my kiln that it would  lead me in this direction but I'm so happy it has. I love that I can donate my time and talent and my  knowledge of ceramic painting to these ladies. How cool is that?

So much to say, so little energy!

Happy Valentines Day! This is going to be short because I have to get Jack up so we can head to UAB for his thyroid ultrasound. :( Boo! The last thing I want to do today but I get to be with my sweet boy so that will be nice. I've been so sick with a nasty cough and my ears hurt and blah blah blah but with that being said, I've felt very blessed lately and I'm so thankful to God for all of my friends, family, and wonderful life. I have a lot to say and there is a lot I"m so excited about but I don't have time to do it now. Theresa will be here soon to clean and I'm sure she hates cleaning my house b/c its so hard and I don't have the energy this morning to pick up for her but I"m gonna dig deep. At least I didn't forget the bounty paper towels and the new cleaning supplies for her this weekend. The kids ended up getting cash for vday, they haven't complained but I love shopping for the little things. I guess, they're EAster baskets will be fun to shop for. Here's to a healthy ultra sound, lots of yummy treats today and clear ears!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

James and Beth

Went to bible study last night. I was tired and wasn't really feeling it but I went b/c I knew it'd be good. Beth's bible study's are always good and I am enjoying the ladies of Shades Mountain. We are studying James. Wow, was he interesting. Pat, our leader of the study is so good to remind us that James was writing to Jewish people. But James saw the light, literally, the light of Jesus and after being a non believer his whole life he knew that Jesus was truly God. Cannot imagine if one of my sister's was the messiah! Anyway, last nights lesson was all about joy and anguish. Beth used the analogy of childbirth, one most of us could relate to. The anguish and pain and fear and dread of labor almost always gives way to joy. We had to do a little exercise with one person in the room whom we didn't know. Well, thats easy for me b/c I only know two people there so I just chatted with the girl next to me. I say girl b/c she was 24 years old. The same as Lauren. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was really giving a gift of my experiences. The exercise had to do with a time when we felt such anguish that we really couldn't move. Well, Lord knows I've been there. I couldn't move and I was helpless with this situation. All I could do was fall back on my faith and ask God for a sign. Something that would ease my mind and put my mind at peace about Lauren. Was she okay? How would I ever know? On top of it, I had three young children, precious children to raise and I didn't want to compromise their childhood with my anguish, so I asked out loud " Give me something God, something to know that she is okay." So, He did. He gave me that night a dream of angels, angels I couldn't really see but I knew they were there and we were floating from room to room and the wood work was beautiful. I asked if she was okay and the angel said, oh yes she is fine. I said, are you sure? The angel said, oh yes, I am sure. We floated through a big door way, the angel led me to a beautiful door where there was a pair of Jack's new shoes and a pink feather. The door opened and the angel guided me out the door. Clearly, they were saying, now go and be a mommy knowing that your sweet child is fine. Ahh, yes, if you ask, and you truly need an answer you will get it. I knew it was real, I knew she was fine and when she called me 7 years later, I couldn't wait to tell her my dream! My anguish had morphed to joy and everything woks in Gods time. So, I got to tell my knew 24 year old friend my story and how being steadfast in your faith pays off! Whew!! Thank you Beth Moore!!

*just a note to say, even though God can bring us peace of mind and take our worry and fears away, doesn't mean that we forget to pray for whatever the anguish was before. I always prayed for Lauren, every single night and still do! I was just able to do it with peace and not saddness. Amen!

Monday, February 6, 2012

So Thankful

Be conscious of your gratitude more often.

Look for little ways you can do it. I'm looking down at my shoe right now and I'm grateful for the shoelace. If I can do it like that, I bet wherever you're sitting or listening or watching, you can also do some gratitude.

- John Morton

Sometimes I really get overwhelmed at everything I've been given. Seriously, I do. First of all, to be born an American is absolutely hands down one of the greatest gifts God has given me. I had no choice in it. It just happened. Thank you God! Sometimes I wonder what God wants me to do with this great gift. I know  people around the world aren't as blessed as I am as an American living in this awesome country. How can I do something that will help someone else living in a less desirable country? Something to pray about for sure. I'm so thankful for my fabulous family. I mean, really, all families are crazy and silly and have issues in their tissues but mine is pretty great and even though we all have different personalities I think we do pretty well together. I have a fantastic husband who still looks at me after 21 years and says, "you are beautiful" ahh, that is definitely something to be thankful for because I do not always see that when I look in the mirror. I'm thankful that he puts up with my terribly expensive high maintenance work out life. I know it's a lot but I always tell him its better than massage therapy and chiropractors and diet doctors. I'm thankful for all of my children. All of them beginning with Lauren. Seriously, if someone is doubting God, bring them to me and I will tell them my story, mine and Lauren's story. The whole story is God! Without Lauren, I wouldn't have Kate, Jack and Joe who are no doubt fabulous and I love being their mom! I'm not a terribly sentimental person, well, wait, I'm the one who will keep important things, like pictures and Christening gowns and things like that but I do not like to go back and talk about the past. I really don't like looking at old pictures, they just make me sad for some reason. I can't explain it. Something about time and how it just goes on. I'm probably weird that way. I"m thankful for all my friends, friends from St. Thomas, from high school from Indy, from Peoria, from Alabama. Friends I've met on Twitter and I have never met in real life. I'm thankful for all of them. I'm thankful for everything this morning! Just plain and simple Thankful!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Spaghetti Squash

You never quite know what you'll come across when you type in loverly life. Sometimes its about my perfect  :p Lev Kids, sometimes you'll find information about yoga or exercise or food or even a favorite bible verse. Today though, I am writing about spaghetti squash. I don't think I ever had this fruit growing up. I mean, its way easier to buy regualr spaghetti already boxed  but spaghetti squash is so fun! I'm always amazed at how cool this fruit is. Spaghetti squash is also known as winter squash. Not sure why because it's available all year long. So go ahead, buy one at the store, bring it home and poke some holes in it. Put it in the microwave for 10 to 12 min. Let it sit for 5, it'll be hot and steamy then cut it in half. You'll have to clean out the seeds, its related to pumpkin so there are some seeds in it but once you see all the fun strings of flesh that look just like noodles, it'll be so worth your work! Pick out your favorite veggies, mushrooms, tomatoes, broccoli, onions, whatever you like. I like to roast mine with a little olive oil and season salt and then toss them in with the "noodles" I also add my favorite spaghetti sauce and top it with parmesean cheese. I promise you'll be stuffed and you'll be so happy that you ate a meal filled with such nutrition! Spaghetti squash has 10 carbs per serving, reg. spaghetti has 42...Spaghetti squash has 40 calories per serving, regular pasta has 240. It has niacin and vitamin A and fiber to benefit so many parts of you! I'm not saying there isn't a time and place for regular pasta. Lord knows, I love me some good Italian but this fruit is fun and tastes yummy! I haven't convinved my family yet but I'm working on it! Give it a try!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Lucky Girls

Naturally skinny girls are lucky. The ones who have to work hard at being skinny are strong. Some days,  I sure wish I was the lucky one but nope, I am not. I do know that when I'm old, I'll be happy that I'm the strong one! Exercise isn't always about losing weight and I think sometimes when we get past that thought, we can truly enjoy it. Not that it isn't hard, because, Lord knows that its hard! But, feeling your heart beating hard and fast and moving the plaque off the walls and running hills and feeling the bone and muscle pulling against each other, making each one stronger, that is what its really about. The calories burned and the weight loss that goes with that, are added bonuses! Today is Friday. My favorite day of the week! I've always enjoyed Friday as my free day. It used to be that I didn't even exercise on this day but now I do just because I want to. Fridays,are fun to go out and enjoy friends and food and indulge a little bit. Everyone needs a cheat day!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

James 1:5

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.