Sunday, June 26, 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

We're home from the beach! We had a wonderful time as usual. I hate that everyone had to go home this morning but that's the way it goes. Monday is the first day of camp. I'm excited to see all of our sweet children. We have a lot of fun things planned for the week. I am sad that I will not be able to go to spin on Tues Thurs but thats okay. I'll do the 4:30 bootcamp which will be hard b/c I've been mia for a week. Kate is busy scoping out colleges. Jack has been practicing his golf swing and Joe said he is ready for Hoover football to start. I'm hoping to get Joe signed up for the speed camp at HHS and Jack is going to take the math prep class. Thank goodness life is good!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Off to spinning class this morning. It is so so hard but for some reason I like it. I've learned to take each segment of the work out one by one, each song  helps me know that I can power through it. I've been doing bootcamp for 9 months. Finally, I can see change in my shape. There is always work to do and that is okay. Taking each exersie as it comes and focusing on it,is the only way to get through it with love for myself. That's probably a life lesson right there. Take each moment as it comes and get through it the most loving way you can. Of course that is so not easy but most often the hard lessons are the best lessons.
In your imagination, you can visualize what you wish to take place. Be very specific and precise. Spirit is efficient. The pictures you hold in your mind are important because they manifest as thoughts that have their own energy.

So be responsible to them -- because you are, whether you like it or not. One important way to be responsible about what you imagine is to ask that it come forward only if it is for the highest good of all concerned.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

bored bored bored, rainy rainy rainy, blah blah blah, boo boo boo, done done done! Not a fan of the weekend.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tush is definitely sore from spinning on that little tiny bike seat. OUch! I was thinking about football season because I'm never truly happy and content in the season I'm in and the first Alabama game is 9/3. Totally dumb game as its against Kent STate but a reason to tailgate is always fun. It'll be 100 degrees on the quad. So there are 85 days until kick off! Roll Tide!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Made it to spinning this morning, 8:00am. The class was pretty full which was fun and Terri had great music picked out for us. I didn't even think about  bringing a hand towel or a bottle of water with me. I did bring a huge cup with ice and water as I knew I'd need water but I need to bring a bottle so I can put it on the holder thingy. The towel is definitely needed because I think I sweated about a gallon of water! It was insane! The work out was hard, intense and basically as bad as having a baby but I will be back for more as it was an awesome work out. All of us girls were hoping for a SCA (sexy coach alert) but we didn't get one. Maybe next week. I looked up how many calories are burned during a tough spinning class and its about 500 for 45min. Awesome! I took the boys to the pool today, turned out to be super hot and mostly sunny. The occasional puffy cloud was welcomed. Several of us moms were a little annoyed that there were a group of boys Joes age, maybe a tad older but not old enough to be a the pool by themselves, the rule book says 14 years to be there w/o an adult. It just isn't a good idea to have kids there w/o an adult because anything can happen when concrete and water and rowdy boys are involved.

Giving spin a spin!

I'm trying spinning this morning. I'm not good on a bike but we shall see. It'll be good to try something new!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Totally bored just sitting here thinking about going to the beach in a week or so. I'm ready. Went to boot camp this morning and dragged my friend, Lina. She did great and I hope she goes back. I paid for her class today b/c I really wanted her to go. I felt bad half way through when she said she had to sit down b/c she was seeing black spots. Oh goodness I thought, I've brought my good friend here and she is going to pass out. Thankfully she did not and she did great! I told her it is so hard in the beginning. I did lots of things around the house today, worked on HP's hooded towel, I"m reading the hood b/c I don't like it with the minky fabric on it. This is the first one I've done so its sort of a learn as I go process. We are planning on hanging at the pool tomorrow but I see that its supposed to storm which we really need rain! So, if not tomorrow, for sure on Fri! Hopefully, I'll make it to spin class in the morning. I did spin a couple of years ago and I didn't love then soo, I'm not sure what to expect but I"ll try it.
You are loved and adored exactly as you are regardless of what you have chosen, created, or allowed. You need not be any different than you already are.

And you are alive and in process of becoming better and better as that is the truth of your life in Spirit regardless of what temporarily appears to you in the world. Grow up. You are so much bigger than any folderol of the self judgment you have been encountering.

Let it go. Give it up into the love of the Christ Beloved present right now in your breath.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Actually got my self up and out of bed at 6:30 am. took the dogs out had a little breakfast and jogged 2 miles. It makes all the difference in the world jogging before the days heat sets in . the first summer boot camp session starts this morning. I love the 10am time. It is perfect for me. I can go, do the workout and be home before any one is out of bed. We had a good weekend, kind of boring but good. Dinner was great on Friday. http://www.ragtimecafe/  is the link. Loved catching up with Eric and Angie and saw some other friends there too. Its hot and summery and we could actually use some rain. I've been watering like crazy to help establish the roots of my new plants. Jack went fishing with a new friend and his family yesterday and he went to the Kenyan picnic with his friend Sam. I love all of his friends, he has a very diverse group of friends, he doesn't run in a pack like Kate and Joe but he has sweet friends and that is so great. Kate was busy doing whatever 17 year old girls do and Joe kind of hung out at home this weekend.

Friday, June 3, 2011


I always love Fridays even in the summer time. Today we are going to the pool for most of the afternoon. We will have so many boys! between me and carrie and lina and michelle we have 9 boys! 9 loud boys! We didn't go yesterday, I worked on the cowbell for Michelle to give to Alexa. It is done and Now I'm waiting my my tml desgin sewing labels to get here so I can do a bama bib for my friend Sue. Kate went a little willy nilly with the debit card so this week is a little tight on the cash but I think I can make it stretch. Jack needs a few new things but that should be okay. Joe wants a gas mask and a switch blade neither of which he is getting! lol. Tonight Rick and I are headed to dinner with the Shulas. We are going to Ragtime Cafe and I know Vonnie loves that place so I'm excited to check it out! We haven't seen the Shulas in so long, I'm looking forward to catching up!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Senior Year

Had a really nice chat with Kate yesterday about bittersweet changes. She is on the brink of being a child and growing into being an adult. She is so much more aware of everything than I was at her age. I'm so glad for that. She has time for serious boyfriends and I'm happy she sees that. Her group of friends has really come together the past several months, they seem to be acutely aware of the small amount of time they have together. This is the last summer they will all get to really hang out as several of the boys will leave early next summer for college b/c of sports committments. The past several years this group has grown and grown apart but I always knew they'd all be friends again, they're a tight knit group. They've been friends since 6th grade. That is what high school and growing up is all about. I know she will have awesome memories to take with her as she leaves for college next fall. I hope Jack and Joe have similar experiences with their groups in school. Its always different with girls, always more drama here and there. Jack has a wonderful group of friends and Joe does too. I love this picture of Kate and friends. It is so cool and old fashioned yet modern. totally frame worthy and it shows how fun and close they are.
Compassion is an understanding that becomes an open and free expression. It is an exchange of love as we experience our oneness together. And it comes through the state of who we are. Compassion works through the joy, the loving and all of the goodness of who we are. That is the true compassion.

- John Morton

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Low CArb!!

I'm not a big fan of the ATkins diet b/c I think God put fruit and grains on this earth for our health but I need to lose a little body fat so all sugar and frilly carbs are off the table for awhile. I don't think I'm fat at all but all these pushups and bootcamping have made my arms bigger and I don't like it one bit! I was telling Tatum about it and she said losing a little body fat is the key to making my arms more defined. Ugh! So, 2 weeks before PCB here I go, really cutting cals and watching it. 10 Great Low-Carb Snack Ideas

1. Sliced turkey breast, roast beef, chicken breast, or ham wrapped around celery sticks

2. Sliced avocado salad dressed with olive oil and a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar

3. Quarter-cup roasted almonds

4. Cup of roasted peanuts in the shell

5. 4 large boiled shrimp with sugar-free cocktail sauce

6. 2 cups sugar-free gelatin topped with a whipped cream

7. Hard-boiled eggs

8. String cheese

9. Celery stuffed with nut butter (no-sugar-added peanut, cashew or sesame butter)

10. Marinated olives and fennel

Something is in the air thats making me sneeze. Achoo! I need to stop into Walgreens and pick up some Claritin. Kate has a dr. apt this morning for her sinus infection or at least I think its a sinus infection. Poor thing needs to get better.

I helped out at the playschool yesterday. We are excited about our summer camps coming up. We have great kids signed up for them. I'm not helping with VBS but the program looks super cute.